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abhi shinde Test data is data which has been specifically identified for use in tests, typically of a computer program.Some data may be used in a confirmatory way, typically to verify that a given set of input to a given function produces some expected result. Other data may be used in order to challenge the ability of the program to respond to unusual, extreme, exceptional, or unexpected input. Bandra,Mumbai https://www.facebook.com/people/defrdede/734177796 https://plus.google.com/114907ded490817389175200 https://www.linkedin.com/in/litedededx-a078514a https://twitter.com/googleideddndia?lang=en 4

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"Every person in this world is unique and very very special. In fact every person is a great artist. You are most welcome to join this site, increase your profile views , likes , followers and be popular!! and One day who knows you might be having something very precious to sell on this site!!"

Thank you lord Ganesha for appearing before me and giving the idea of this social network
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